Saturday, July 31, 2010

It Doesn't Look Too Bad From This Angle

But don't let that fool you.  I have the skirt pinned within an inch of its life.  The picture below is my attempt at Simplicity 2579, and it didn't work at all.  I managed the full bust adjustment fine, but the real problem with this dress for me is the skirt.  First, the skirt puffs out at the sides where it attaches to the midriff piece.  Then there's the puffery at the gathers in both the center front and back.  I wish I had taken a picture of the side view because I looked like I was carrying twins; one in front and one in back.  I suppose that this is really my fault because a review of the recommended fabrics shows that this pattern is meant for something drapey and not my crisp little cotton lawn with its pretty green and blue morning glories.

Please note the bird decoupage.  That is an original flyskim piece from 5th grade.
Luckily, I has some fabric left over and the skirt is made out of several large pieces, so there is enough of this lovely fabric to try something else.  Enter Butterick 5485, view C.

Because this is a faux wrap, I have barely enough fabric, but I do.  In fact, the only reason this works at all is because the bodice pieces are cut on the bias.  I picked apart the unfortunate dress above and have altered the Butterick pattern, although I want to make a muslin of this before I cut into the fashion fabric.  I really don't have any room for error.  I plan to wear this to the wedding of two of Mr. flyskim's dodgeball teammates (that's right, dodge ball) the weekend after I return home.  Their reception is in an upscale school gym (I feel like I'm going to homecoming), so a game might break out.  I will be hiding in the girl's room if that happens.

Sad little pile of fabric and lining.
I'll be working on this the minute I return home in hopes of having the dress ready for the following weekend.  I think that this dress will be really flattering, and I love this fabric very much.  I'm very excited and have the perfect cardigan to wear with it.

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