Having a holiday in the middle of the week is always a little odd. I spent nearly all day yesterday thinking it was Sunday. And now, tomorrow is Friday. My whole work week is shot because of this. Does anyone else have this problem? And Mr. flyskim forgot to turn the alarm off, so I was up at dawn. It was for the best, though because I had enough time to bake scones. What could be more American than a British biscuit, right?
These are a variation of a traditional current scone, but they have dried blueberries and lemon zest instead of currants and orange. The also have butter in them. Add in the heavy cream, and these aren't exactly health food, but they are delicious.
Particularly with strawberry jam. Good thing that we have lots.
Piles and piles of piles and piles. |
After breakfast, there was actually some curtain making. These are the piles of cut panels and lining. The fabric is just too thin on its own for curtains, especially since one of the purposes of these curtains is to block out the afternoon sun. So, as of Wednesday morning, I had all the panels cut and the edges finished on the serger. I only got one curtain completed because Mr. flyskim wanted to go see the Spiderman reboot, and that turned out to be for the best because my plan going in was only half-way thought out. And even though I only got a single panel completed, I'm pleased, because there's been very little completion around here lately. I'm hoping to make this a habit. Mr. flyskim is checking out one of his dodgeball buddy's new cabin this weekend, so I'll have plenty of time to curtain. I'll have a fuller report in a couple of days.
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