Monday, October 18, 2010

If At First You Don't Succeed . . .

Your cat will eventually have to take matters into her own paws.  Or she would if she had opposable thumbs.  So, Lady Grey.  I'm still on the front.  I would be making significantly more progress, but I've had to redo everything at least three times.  At this rate, the left front is going to be ragged before I've even started on the right.  That's when Pip decided that someone better learn how to tailor, and she's been hard at work studying Tailoring:  The Classic Guide to Sewing the Perfect Jacket from cover to cover. 

I think she needs more light.  Wouldn't want her to strain her eyes and ruin her night vision.
In order to avoid my problem with my seams being too stiff and supported and thereby turning my coat into a geometric shape, Pip has determined that I need to do a combination of sew-in and fusible interfacing and that I need to fuse the whole front and then apply hair canvas to the collar only.  So, I'm plugging away.  I didn't fuse the whole front at first and figured the hair canvas would provide enough support, but I forgot that the girlie spent a little time this weekend tenderizing it for me, so I have to undo the pad stitching that I've managed, fuse the rest of the collar and give it another go.

So, I'm off to rip the front apart.  Again.  I hope to have this all worked out by tomorrow, so that I can move on to the right front before the left front gets too spoiled from all of the attention.

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