Actually, when I'm being really honest, the reason I'm starting a blog is because everyone else already has one. I was going to say that this was totally unlike me, but that's wrong. It's so like me. In fact, one way to guarantee that I won't do something is to tell me that all the cool kids are doing it. Don't get the wrong idea. If there's one thing I'm not, it's a rebel. But it's safe not to put yourself out there, and it takes shockingly little to turn me back into an insecure, chubby 13-year-old. My usual MO is to try and go unnoticed.
Last year, I started looking for things that would take me outside of my very comfortable zone. I applied for a new position in the company I work for that I really wanted ev

Now, I've never been able to keep up a journal with any consistency. The longest I've managed is, I think, three weeks, and then it's usually because I'm trying to work through some emotional trauma: an argument with my mother; problems at work; the deaths of several fictional characters to whom I was overly attached after seven books and more than 10 years. (By the way, J.K. Rowling? Still dead to me.)
So, hi. I'm flyskim. I'm 43, but sometimes I think I'm still 12. I'm married, two cats, no kids. And I always have some sort of project going. Now if I could only start finishing them. . .
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