Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Report From The Trenches

Just a quick post, mostly to amuse myself while I hang out in the flyskim dad's hospital room.  He's being treated for double pneumonia, and given that he's short half of his left lung as a result of his cancer treatments from last yefar, it looked pretty serious for a while.  However, his doctors tell me the prognosis is hopeful.  He'll need at least another five days in the hospital before they think he'll be ready to go home.  I'm not sure how much longer I'll be in California, so the fall sewing is on hold for the foreseeable future.  I should have brought some knitting with me, but I packed in such a hurry Monday afternoon that I forgot to pack any pants.   So here I am with four cardigans, five t-shirts and the jeans I wore on the plane.  Maybe some shopping is called for


Anonymous said...

So glad you are told the prognosis is good. I hope your dad feels better soon and be out of the hospital. take care

flyskim said...

Hi Rachel,

Sorry for the late reply, but I did want to thank you for the good thoughts. My dad should be released from the hospital Thursday or Friday, and he is on the mend.
